Tuesday 5 February 2013

Exercise is for life, not just for January

So we're in 2013! Last year just whizzed by! How is everyone doing after the excesses of Christmas and New Years?! I know I certainly enjoyed the festive season.

Now however we have that "oh all my clothes feel tighter", guilty feeling again. January hits and the gyms rub their hands together. We all rush to the running machine or the cross-trainer trying to lose the Christmas pounds and fit into anything other than joggy bottoms again, and pray that the weight will just fall off (as easily as it seemed to fall ON!). We sweat and swear and feel proud of ourselves because, this year...THIS IS THE ONE...this is the year our new years resolution (made after 6 gin&tonics, 8 vodkas, champers and a  whiskey at 2am on January 1st) will NOT fail. We WILL get fit and healthy.

...Then after 2 weeks of sweating and swearing and rushing to the cross-trainer, we find that actually...that coffee date with friends, or that shopping trip, or that other thing is actually more important....right?

WRONG! Exercise is not JUST for January....It is for LIFE! Sorry guys! You don't HAVE to go to the gym and you don't HAVE to do it for an hour at a time - just 20 minutes (split over the day if you want) is better than nothing - but you DO have to DO IT. That's the only way to get fit and healthy!

Have a dog? Go for a brisk walk.
Don't have a dog? Go for a brisk walk.
Don't want to go outside? Run up and down the stairs.
Don't have stairs? Do 3 sets of 15 squats.
Put the kettle on? Just enough time to do some crunches or some calf-raises.
Watch the TV? Do some leg raises or hold a plank.

See! It's easy when you put your mind to it.

If you need help with motivation - you could always get in touch and have some 1:1 sessions. Exercise is for everyone. Any age, any ability. So why not get FIT, HEALTHY and HAPPY for life, not JUST for January :)

Lou x

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