Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Myth busting!

Hello all!

There's been a fair bit in the news recently about exercise and diet...and people's perceptions of it. There are a LOT of opinions out there and this can get confusing. Some professionals say one thing, others say another...even I'm not always sure which way to turn!

So I've decided to take some of the common things people have been saying/ been worried about, and address them. I've become a myth buster! So lets get started on the 3 most annoying ones...

#1. If you are not going to work out 'hard' and often, exercise is a waste of time.
It is this frame of mind that prevents people from taking the leap and starting exercise. It is often used to cover up fear or embarrassment... However research CONTINUES to show that any exercise is better than none. It makes me smile when people say "oh no, I don't do anything at all. All I do is walk my dog for about 2 miles a day"! That IS exercise! Just by exercising for as little as an hour a week has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

#2. The only way to get fit is to go the gym.
Absolutely not true. The gym is a fantastic place to be and a great environment, but it is NOT for everyone, and it is certainly not the only place to get fit! This sounds like a marketing ploy by, you guessed it, the gyms! If you don't like the gym or don't feel you can afford it, there are many other options you can explore, all of which will give you a FULL BODY WORKOUT and get you FIT, HEALTHY and HAPPY. Why not look up some local independent businesses offering classes like boot camps? These are generally less expensive, are outside (get a whiff of that lovely fresh air!) and social. If you just don't like the gym in general and need some motivation, you could look to see if there are local mobile Personal Trainers - that way you can have your hourly session in the comfort of your own home!

#3. Doing crunches or working on an "ab machine" will get rid of tummy fat.
While an ab-crunching device might help strengthen the muscles around your midsection and improve your posture, being able to "see" your abdominal muscles has to do with your overall percentage of body fat.  If you don't lose the tummy fat, you won't see the ab muscles. Unfortunately  you can’t pick and choose areas where you’d like to burn fat so crunches aren't going to target weight loss in that area....In order to burn fat, you should create a workout that includes both cardiovascular and strength-training elements. This will decrease your overall body fat content, including the area around your midsection.

I hope you have found this interesting. If you have any questions or myths you would like busting, then please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter break and remember, it's all about balance. Eat those eggs, but be prepared to work hard afterwards :) L x

Source: and

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