Monday, 26 November 2012

I can't afford the gym...HELP!

I don't know if you know, but apparently the world is having some money issues....

Oh you do?

I know money can be tight all year round and we're all having to cut back, but it can be especially tough around this time of year. Christmas is looming and presents, food and booze need to be bought. The holiday season can take over and as well as having fun, cause a lot of money worry. You may start to think - HOW on earth am I going to afford the gym? And WHEN will I have the time anyhow!?

Well have no fear! If you really can't get to a gym/afford the prices, why not look for alternatives!

Firstly, if you look at your local noticeboards/newsletters/magazines there will be many health and fitness professionals selling their wares. Classes in or outside will be running for a fraction of the cost and will be just as challenging and fun as a gym workout. Plus, most of the time you can just drop in, without having to sign up or commit.

With my Personal Training business The Wright Direction, I,  for instance, run Boot Camps (either with or without equipment, and either in or outdoors) all year round (come rain or shine!) and ask for no more than half a day's notice that you're coming. Simples.

Secondly, you do NOT need professional equipment to have an effective workout. Start looking at your home as your own personal gym! I'll start you off....

Can of beans = Dumbbells
Basket of washing = Med Ball
Stairs = step-up bench


And who needs equipment when you have your own body weight?! Squats, lunges, push-ups, crunches - they require nothing but space!

So start getting inventive this Christmas, have a shop around for things to do to stay fit and healthy, but most importantly, enjoy the holiday season.

Louise x

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