Monday, 26 November 2012

I can't afford the gym...HELP!

I don't know if you know, but apparently the world is having some money issues....

Oh you do?

I know money can be tight all year round and we're all having to cut back, but it can be especially tough around this time of year. Christmas is looming and presents, food and booze need to be bought. The holiday season can take over and as well as having fun, cause a lot of money worry. You may start to think - HOW on earth am I going to afford the gym? And WHEN will I have the time anyhow!?

Well have no fear! If you really can't get to a gym/afford the prices, why not look for alternatives!

Firstly, if you look at your local noticeboards/newsletters/magazines there will be many health and fitness professionals selling their wares. Classes in or outside will be running for a fraction of the cost and will be just as challenging and fun as a gym workout. Plus, most of the time you can just drop in, without having to sign up or commit.

With my Personal Training business The Wright Direction, I,  for instance, run Boot Camps (either with or without equipment, and either in or outdoors) all year round (come rain or shine!) and ask for no more than half a day's notice that you're coming. Simples.

Secondly, you do NOT need professional equipment to have an effective workout. Start looking at your home as your own personal gym! I'll start you off....

Can of beans = Dumbbells
Basket of washing = Med Ball
Stairs = step-up bench


And who needs equipment when you have your own body weight?! Squats, lunges, push-ups, crunches - they require nothing but space!

So start getting inventive this Christmas, have a shop around for things to do to stay fit and healthy, but most importantly, enjoy the holiday season.

Louise x

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Quick fixes? I don't think so...

A while back I was happily reading the news with a nice cup of tea when it was spoiled completely by something I read. It made me literally put my head in my hands...A supposed 'celebrity' (if you can call them that at all) was papped walking out of the gym holding weight-loss pills.

Now I know many people, especially at this time of year, will be starting to think about that 'little black dress', or the company dinner, or just generally the excesses of Christmas dinner! A time where you panic because you feel the need to look good and be trim before going all out at the Christmas dinner table...But please, PLEASE don't feel the need to use weight loss pills as a 'quick-fix'. There simply is no such thing.

Thermogenics are drugs or supplements that are designed to facilitate weight loss by simulating exercise. Most thermogenic products generally contain strong stimulants that enable weight loss by boosting energy levels and increasing blood flow. Sounds great huh!? Why am I making such a fuss!?

Here's why: unfortunately, even over the counter thermogenic supplements are associated with significant side-effects, many of which can be life threatening.

They can cause:
ADDICTION (including fatigue, headaches, dizziness, apathy, depression)
ANXIETY (psychosis has been reported)
GASTROINTESTINAL PROBLEMS (abdominal pain and diarrhea)
CHANGES IN HEART RATE (elevation in HR and Blood Pressure)
SEVERE REACTIONS (heart attack, seizures, comas, death).

So why risk it? Why go for a 'quick'fix' and end up damaging, maybe irreparably, your health....Why not try that age-old method of decreasing your calorie intake and upping your exercise output to reduce your weight instead?

As exercise goes, it's a far healthier habit than popping the pills! Get fit, healthy and happy the Wright© way.

Adrew Weil: Thermogenics
FDA: Adverse Events with Ephedra and Other Botanical Supplements
Picture found via Amy Wyrick @ Fitsugar

Friday, 5 October 2012

ZZZzzzzZZzz...Oops Sorry!

Are you feeling constantly tired? These 5 things may be the cause:

  1. DEHYDRATION --- even mild dehydration can make us feel tired and sluggish. It can sometimes be confused with hunger, so the next time you feel hungry - have a glass of water or two and then see how you feel!
  2. MOBILE PHONES --- in today's society, you cant go anywhere without someone having their phone clamped to their ear or hand...we even take them to bed with us! Any electronic gadget's artificial blue light can suppress the sleep hormone Melatonin. A 2011 poll by the National Sleep Foundation found that 20 percent of people ages 19 to 29 are awakened by a call, text, or e-mail at least a few nights a week. TURN IT OFF!
  3. MEDICATION --- some drugs helping with depression, migraines or high blood pressure can have energy-sapping side effects. Consult with your doctor and see if there is an alternative...if not, how about taking the medication right before bed time (always ask a doctor or medical practitioner first).
  4. OVER TRAINING --- rest periods (outside of training) are as important as training itself. Let your body rest and repair. Too much constant training can increase the stress hormone, Cortisol.
  5. LOW IRON --- this mineral is essential in helping transport oxygen around the body. If you're not getting enough you can sometimes feel fatigued - ask your doctor for a simple blood test to see whether you're a bit low. Foods high in iron consist of; dried herbs, liver, clams & mussels, roasted pumpkin seeds, sun dried tomatoes, sun dried apricots, turkey, beef, lamb.

Read more at Women's Health:

Have a heart!

As a Personal Trainer, I am often asked 'why?'...'Why is it good for me?', 'Why should I do that?', 'Why have you recommended that?'. One of the most common questions is; 'Why is doing more activity good for me?'. We are all told we should. We are know we should. But why!?

Being active is essential for a healthy heart for the simple reason that your heart is a muscle. Even if you haven't been active for some time, your heart can become stronger so it's able to pump more efficiently, giving you more stamina and greater energy. Becoming more active will also improve the ability of your body's tissues to extract oxygen from your blood, help you maintain healthy levels of blood fats and speed your metabolism.

If you are overweight, you're 80% more at risk of heart disease. The best way to control your weight is to eat a healthy diet and take regular exercise.

Three types of exercise are vital for all-round fitness: aerobic, resistance training and flexibility.

Aerobic training is anything that elevates your heart rate and gets your breathing rate up. This type of exercise means the body uses carbohydrates and fats as a source of energy, and is training your heart and lungs to be more efficient at extracting and using oxygen. It includes: walking, running, boxing, dancing, rowing etc.

Resistance training is anything that trains your muscles; improving strength, stamina or definition of the muscles. Not only does this type of training benefit the muscles of the body, it also helps strengthen the joints and bones - making them less prone to injury. This type of training is key to maintaining and/or losing weight - this is because it is muscles that burn more calories. It includes: resistance machines, resistance bands, free weights, body weight exercises, and even things like carrying heavy shopping!

Lastly, flexibility training is anything involving stretching to lengthen your muscles and keep you supple. By taking a little time out of a busy day for 5-10 mins per day, you will not only maintain or increase your flexibility, you will feel more relaxed and reduce tension throughout the body. Pilates or yoga are good things to get into to help flexibility, as well as having some assisted stretching in your Personal Training session.

I hope that this information has been useful - make sure you take some time to look after yourselves and lead a healthy, active lifestyle...You'll feel better for it. If you struggle for motivation, or just don't know where to start - remember that I, Louise Wright (The Wright Direction), am ready to help any ability, any age, any one, to achieve their goals and get fit, healthy and happy.

Louise :)

(Info source:

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Top tip #1

It can be very difficult when you are busy, to think about eating healthily. Most people are so rushed off their feet in the mornings that they rush out the door without even thinking about what they will eat at lunch time...Plus there is so much advice about diet and nutrition that it can make your head start to spin! Don't worry though, I am here to help!

Why not have a look at these top tips to help pack a healthy lunch box:

Tip of the day: Preparation is key!

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

New season, new you!


My first blog is going to be a bit of an introduction...So as a wise Nun once said; "Let's start at the very beginning. A very good place to start"!

My name is Louise Wright and in 2011 I graduated from the University of Exeter in Exercise and Sport Science, receiving a First Class BSc Honours degree. As well as studying I also played Netball, was a research assistant and volunteered for Action After Stroke (a rehab group for stroke victims). As for my degree, I studied a mixture of modules including Psychology, Statistics, Anatomy, Physiology, Clinical Exercise Prescription and Biomechanics.
Pic 1: Me as a newly qualified PT

After having a bit of time off to travel to the other side of the world (Australia, Fiji and New Zealand to be precise!) I started studying (again), but this time to get my Personal Trainer qualification. In September of this year I completed a 7 day intensive course and became a qualified Level 2 Gym Instructor, Level 2 Kettlebell instructor and a Level 3 Personal Trainer (as well as getting in-house Pad Work training). This was all completed with the Vision Fitness Academy. I am now REPs registered and ready and raring to go!
Pic 2: Me snorkeling in the Whitsunday Islands, Australia

I have a passion for sport, health and fitness. I love to keep fit and play sport - especially netball, swimming and skiing, as well as watching rugby union, tennis, cricket, F1 and many more. I have always been, and always will be, a sports nut who believes that exercise and sport can unite people better than anything else! As Nelson Mandela once said: "Sport has the power to change the world".

I have a passion for helping people realise their goals and potential...I want to help people become fit, healthy and most importantly - happy!